First-Aid Kits for Circuit Boards ®
Haverhill, MA 01835 USA
A Circuit Technology Center Company
201-5231 Circuit Bonding System
INS 201-5231
Tools and Materials
Qty Part No. Description
1 110-6380 Flex-Rack PCB Holder
1 115-4202 Digital Force Gauge
1 115-4204 Bonding System Stand
2 980-2501 Cable Clamp, .25"
3 980-2375 Name Plate, CircuitMedic
1 956-1032 Nut, Hex, #10-32
1 115-3200 Bonding System Heater, 120 VAC
This Bonding System is a precision machine using heated Bonding Tips that deliver a calibrated pressure to bond adhesive-back Circuit Frames to circuit boards.

The system has a built-in force gauge to maintain a regulated bonding force and a digital temperature controller to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the 30-second replacement circuit bonding cycle.

Circuit Frames are available in hundreds of shapes, including lands, pads, and edge contacts.

  1. Unpack the system and place the stand on a workbench.
  2. Connect the Force Gauge to the mounting plate using the (4) Thumb Screws.
  3. If the system will be used extensively, plug the Power Adapter into the Force Gauge.
  4. Connect the Bonding System Heater to the Force Gauge and lock it in place using the #10-32 Nut included with the Bonding System Heater.
  5. Secure the Force Gauge Power Adapter and Bonding System Heater power cords to the side of the stand using the #10-32 Button Head Screw and Cable Clips.
  6. To set the Bonding System Heater temperature, press and hold the red button until the temperature indicator turns on. Pressing the heat up or heat down buttons can change the set temperature.

  1. See the Reference Guide Procedures for detailed preparation and process instructions.
  2. Turn on the Bonding System Heater and set the temperature to 475° F +/- 25° F (246° C +/- 14° C).
  3. Turn on the Force Gauge and zero the reading.
  4. Position the circuit board on the Flex-Rack PCB Holder. Test the alignment by turning the handle to lower the Bonding Tip until it nearly touches the surface. Check to be sure the bottom of the Bonding Tip is parallel to the surface of the circuit board.
  5. Rotate the hand wheel on the stand base to apply the force required.
First-Aid Kits for Circuit Boards ®
Haverhill, MA 01835 USA
A Circuit Technology Center Company
201-5231 Circuit Bonding System
INS 201-5231
Bonding Force
Bonding Force is the force applied to the top surface of replacement pads, lands, or conductors during the cure cycle. The recommended Bonding Force for Circuit Frames is 200 - 400 psi.

Bonding Tip Bonding Tip Size Bonding Force
115-2204 Bonding Tip, .080" (2.03 mm) Diameter 1.00 lb
115-2206 Bonding Tip, .120" (3.05 mm) Diameter 2.26 lbs
115-2306 Bonding Tip, .040" x .060" (1.02 mm x 1.52 mm) 0.48 lbs
115-2316 Bonding Tip, .080" x .120" (2.03 mm x 3.05 mm) 1.92 lbs

Digital Force Gauge Calibration
  1. For the Digital Force Gauge calibration instructions, go
Bonding System Heater Calibration
  1. Heat up the system to the standard bonding temperature 475°F (246°C).
  2. Measure the tip temperature using a thermocouple or temperature probe.
  3. Wait for the reading to stabilize, then compare the measured and set temperatures.
  4. If the discrepancy is small, an adjustment in the set temperature may be recommended.
  5. If the discrepancy is significant, the heater may require replacement as there is no calibration adjustment.
Visit for details instructions.
Reference Guide Procedures
Number / Title
4.1.2 Lifted Conductor Repair, Film Adhesive
4.2.2 Conductor Repair, Foil Jumper, Film Adhesive Method
4.5.2 Land Repair, Film Adhesive
4.6.2 Edge Contact Repair, Film Adhesive
4.7.2 Surface Mount Pad Repair, Film Adhesive
4.7.3 BGA Pad Repair, Film Adhesive