First-Aid Kits for Circuit Boards ®

115-8559-25 Eyelet, Funnel Flange


$37.00 Pkg/25

Eyelets are used to repair plated holes in circuit boards, and also to create a conductive path through circuit boards for various applications. All eyelets are manufactured from copper or brass, and have a bright tin plating.
Flange Type Funnel
Metal Copper
Inside Diameter - ID .055"
Outside Diameter - OD .069"
Length Under Flange - LUF .126"
Flange Diameter - FD .095"
Plating Electroplated with .0002" thick tin per MIL-T-10727
Dimensions are plus or minus .003"
Harmonize Code 7411.10.1000
Export Administration Regulations (EAR) EAR99
Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) Not Applicable
Order direct or from a distributor.
Optional Items
No. Description Price Qty / Order
115-3120 Setting Tool, Small
Use to set eyelets up to .045" ID using #110-5202 Eyelet Press.
$19.00 Each *
115-3126 Setting Tool, Large
Use to set eyelets greater than .045" ID using #110-5202 Eyelet Press.
$85.00 Each *
* Two tools needed to form eyelets. Harmonize Code: 8207.19.5030
Eyelet Forming Process
First, apply firm even pressure using the flare end of the setting tool to flare the eyelet barrel.
Eyelet Next, apply firm even pressure using the opposite flat end of the setting tool to flatten the eyelet barrel.
To set eyelets by hand use the following:
(2) 115-3120 Setting Tool, Hand
(1) 115-3122 Tool Base
(1) 115-3139 Tool Grip

* To set eyelets using #110-5202 Eyelet Press use the following tooling:
(2) 115-3123 Setting Tool, Small or
(2) 115-3126 Setting Tool, Large
All Eyelets and Tooling
Part No. Flange Metal ID OD LUF FD Setting Tool
115-7206-25 Flat Copper .020" .030" .094" .046" 115-3120
115-7209-25 Flat Copper .020" .030" .120" .046" 115-3120
115-7306-25 Flat Brass .030" .040" .093" .060" 115-3120
115-7336-25 Flat Brass .033" .047" .093" .080" 115-3120
115-7339-25 Flat Copper .033" .047" .125" .080" 115-3120
115-7353-25 Flat Copper .035" .047" .062" .080" 115-3120
115-7366-25 Flat Copper .036" .046" .093" .076" 115-3120
115-7453-25 Flat Copper .045" .059" .062" .090" 115-3120
115-7456-25 Flat Copper .045" .059" .090" .090" 115-3120
115-7459-25 Flat Copper .045" .059" .125" .090" 115-3120
115-7576-25 Flat Copper .057" .067" .095" .111" 115-3126
115-7676-25 Flat Copper .067" .078" .097" .130" 115-3126
115-8336-25 Funnel Copper .033" .047" .093" .081" 115-3120
115-8359-25 Funnel Copper .035" .047" .118" .080" 115-3120
115-8431-25 Funnel Brass .043" .059" .156" .095" 115-3120
115-8559-25 Funnel Copper .055" .069" .126" .095" 115-3126
115-8736-25 Funnel Brass .073" .089" .093" .125" 115-3126
All dimensions +/- .003". Harmonize Code: 7411.10.1000.
Part No. Description Price Order
Tool Base
Support base for Setting Tool when forming eyelets for plated hole repair.
$17.00 Each
Setting Tool, Small
Used to properly form eyelets used to repair plated holes in circuit boards.
$19.00 Each
Setting Tool, Large
Used to properly form eyelets used to repair plated holes in circuit boards.
$85.00 Each
Plated Hole Repair Kit
Kit to repair damaged plated holes on circuit boards using eyelets.
$385.00 Each
Eyelet Press
Heavy duty eyelet press designed to set and form eyelets in circuit boards.
$2650.00 Each
Professional Repair Kit
Kit to repair damaged pads, lands, conductors, base material, and plated holes.
$1029.00 Each

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